Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wishcasting & 52 Photos

Still in St. Louis...I've been here for 2 weeks now and have 2 more to go, so this is the halfway point! I miss my husband (of one month today!) and doggies but am sooooo enjoying my time with my "babies"!

Today's  Wishcasting Wednesday  prompt is:
I am not likely to refer to myself as fierce. I strive to be gentle, peaceful, calm, and flow (ie: as little drama, stress, anger, worry, etc. in my life as possible).
When I got that terrifying phone call 16 nights ago from my daughter, crying the words "Mom, something bad has happened" (about my son's fall, seizure & hospitilization, which is what brought me "home" to St. Louis 10 days earlier than planned), I initially pretty much fell apart. I wandered in a daze through my house, trying to comprehend what had happened, how I felt, what this could I could possibly survive this if ...well, I cannot even say the words. In a word, I was a mess. For about 20 minutes.
(although at the time, it felt more like "pissed").
I was NOT going to lose another child. I was NOT going to believe that a stupid random occurance was going to cut my sweet, creative, unique, funny, goofy, beautiful baby boys life off at age 23. My beloved son was going to be alright. I could not, WOULD not, believe or even think anything else.

I have always been a bit "fierce" about my kids.

When my daughter first started school, I made sure her teacher was clear that if she did not want to use the word "God" in the classrooms morning recital of the Pledge of Allegience, then she was not to be made to.
When my son first started school, I made sure his teacher knew that he would likely switch the useage of his hand from right to left and back again...and that he was not to be made to use/choose one hand over another.
Little things like that.
I'm sure my kids (now 27 & 23) could tell you dozens more similar examples of my fierceness which they recall (and were likely mortified by).

I am not sure how fierce I need to be now that they are adults (and my daughter a mother herself)...
but I cannot imagine not at least feeling a fierce loveand need for them.
My fierceness about my son's situation somehow got me-and him-through a terrifying experience.
I cannot help but be fierce about them. I always have been & I always will be.
A mothers love is fierce, forever.

this weeks 52 Photos Project assignment is:
A Sweet Escape. Are you about to take one? 
Do you dream of taking one? Where? 
Have you had one? Do you have photos of your time?
Our recent 2 weeks spent in Maui was such a lovely escape.
And our wedding there was simple,intimate and exactly what we wanted.
A sweet escape, indeed!

 See you soon!
Happy Me-Laurie Z!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Fierceness you have Laurie.
    As you wish for your self I wish for you!
