Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kickin' It Day 28-Word for 2014

Today for day 28 of the Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-A-Thon, we are sharing our
WORD FOR 2014!
What perfect timing, as just last evening I completed working on discerning what word would be most beneficial for me in the coming year (with a little assistance from the free downloadable worksheets from Christine Kane's Word of the Year Discovery Tool!) This is the 4th year I have been doing this choosing of a word to guide me in the new year; my past words have been
2011-Shine      2012-Open      2013-Tend
And actually, I'd say that the word chooses ME somehow, but it does take some work/play on my part to not only invite the word to present itself and to be aware of the "signs" of the word doing so, but also to open your heart to allowing whatever word needs to be held in intention to be recognized and accepted...often, your first reaction to a word which keeps presenting itself to you in various ways might be "What the heck does THAT mean?!" Ha ha! I kind of had that experience this time around, and find I am still questioning my word, or at least the oddness of the first word I considered compared to the word I decided upon...
My first inclination was a word which I had never heard of in itself, and came across in a book I was reading one evening and then again in a blog post comment the very next day! Intrigued, I researched the word and loved what I found out about it's meanings...that word was "liminal" , which basically means "at the threshold of consciousness". I loved the mysterious, ethereal, intuitive, inviting, intriguing, unknown, possibility, anticipatory feel of this word...but something was holding me back from completely committing to it. The calling in my heart about the intention I wanted to hold, explore and embody for the upcoming year was more that of being aware, present, connected and purposeful in my feelings, actions, thoughts, and words in order to better understand myself and others, and my life and the world around me. Suddenly, yesterday afternoon while pondering this desire for awareness, I realized that the word which best described what I was seeking was, in fact, "conscious(ness)"! While I am still mesmerized by the concept of "liminality", I feel that what I really need to practice is crossing over that threshold and becoming more resolutely conscious of my feelings, thoughts, words and actions.Thus, the story of my word for 2014 choosing me!

to be awake or awakened to an inner 
realization of a fact,  a truth, a condition. 
Fully aware of or sensitive to something  such as surroundings, own existence, sensations, thoughts, feelings, motivations, actions,  etc.
And last night, I finished creating this talisman pendant honoring my 2014 word of the year, made using a photograph of mine with a quote about consciousness I felt held the truest intention of the word as I would like to manifest it in my coming year.

Today I am also sharing my photograph for Gallery 36 of the 52 Photos Project, which is "Your Choice"!
Annabelle giving Santa Paws a thank you kiss for her new squeaky toy!
Do you choose a word of the year? I'd love to know what it is, how it chose you and your intentions for it's manifestation in the coming year!
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy your holiday weekend!
Happy Me, Laurie.

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