Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Round & Nourishment

This week for Gallery 29 at 52 Photos Project, the photo prompt is ROUND.
One of my very favorite round-ish things are smooth rocks found at the beach, coast or shore.
I collected these pretty colored ones about a week ago on Sunrise Beach, at Eld Inlet, just outside Olympia, Washington

And this week at Wishcasting Wednesday, Jamie asks us:
What NOURISHMENT do you wish for?
I wish for...
The nourishment of eating healthy, to give me maximum energy, well-being and immunity to disease.
The nourishment of adequate sleep, to keep me able to focus, think and engage in daily activities.
The nourishment of quiet time, to assist me in mindfulness, centering and presence.
The nourishment of physical exercise, to keep my body strong, energized and capable.
The nourishment of positive self-talk, to confirm my courage, worth and confidence.
The nourishment of nature, to connect me with plants, animals and worlds beyond my own.
The nourishment of creativity, to encourage my dreams, expression and inner self.
The nourishment of gratitude, to make me me humble, joyful and content.
The nourishment of playfulness, to encourage inhibition, self-expression and happiness.
The nourishment of curiosity, to keep me open, awestruck and learning.
The nourishment of love-of those most important to me, strangers who may need it and myself-
to remind me of it's life-changing power, what is most important in life and why we exist.

Have a wonderful rest of your week, and remember to nourish yourself with whatever you need                (and deserve!)
Happy Me-Laurie Z!


  1. Especially like this one: "The nourishment of curiosity, to keep me open, awestruck and learning." - and especially "awestruck"

  2. Love your wishes I could really relate to them! You have a beautiful way with words. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

  3. These are beautiful wishes! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you too!

  4. Lovely wishes, lovely stones. So many pretty colors ... I'd have come home with my pockets full.

  5. What lovely colors of roundness. I love that photo. The rock colors suggest spring and the half-mitten suggests winter. Great contrast.

  6. That is quite the master list of nourishment! Nice job.
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.

  7. interesting rocks. i haven't seen round rocks. :(
